I see beauty where two souls meet (ENG/PORT)
I see beauty from the moment of conception to birth. I see beauty where two souls meet to create a new being in the perfection of a new...
Definition of Beauty
The definition of "beauty" is in a constant state of flux. It transforms itself into something new that could have been considered "ugly"...
Imperfectly Beautiful
My quest for beauty is a continual one. My story is simple, yet unique and cliché in so many ways. I’m the American, white seemingly...
Beauty for me is:
Dawson (9 years old) looking out of the window said: -Beauty is those white and gray fluffy clouds.
Eres tu mi querida Belleza
Una nocion trascendental que no importa tiempo, epoca, lugar la podemos encontrar. No se esconde; siempre presente navega por los mares y...
Encontro beleza sempre que estou na natureza
Para mim, encontro beleza sempre que estou na natureza, sinto especial presenciando aquele momento unico de cores, formação de nuvens,...
How blind people see beauty
When I was still researching for the film I saw this video, so beautiful, so moving and true. It totally inspired me. Let's turn inward...