I See More Than Your Tired Body
As I remark while at the bedside of my friend as he passes, I see more than your tired body, ravaged by time. I see the beauty of the...
A diversidade e as belezas naturais
Eu amo viajar, cada lugar que visito, vivo experiências e culturas diferentes. Uma das viagens que me marcou foi quando visitei pela...
Definition of Beauty
The definition of "beauty" is in a constant state of flux. It transforms itself into something new that could have been considered "ugly"...
Imperfectly Beautiful
My quest for beauty is a continual one. My story is simple, yet unique and cliché in so many ways. I’m the American, white seemingly...
How blind people see beauty
When I was still researching for the film I saw this video, so beautiful, so moving and true. It totally inspired me. Let's turn inward...